Review on Ravindra Sir's Videos

First of all i am not that qualified to rate Ravindra Sir's videos. I am just giving my personal review on those videos as many future aspirants were continuously asking about it.

Why Ravindra Sir's videos ?

The videos are not just made by Ravindra Sir alone as you think of, watching those videos. Each single video script or content is made by a team of iitians and iiscians. So when you are watching a single video, you are actually learning from all those teachers in a single go.

Reading and extracting things from standard text books and reference books will itself take a huge amount of time. The videos are just a collection of everything that you need, saving your time.

While reading books only your visionary sense organ (eyes) and mind are active. But while watching videos your eyes, mind and receptive sense organ (ears) are active. So it makes you grasp the things quickly and easily.

If you miss out a part of the video, you can always replay and take a note of it. You can watch videos anytime as per your convenience.

The videos are so made that the dumbest of kid will understand. If you still aren't able to understand from Ravindra Sir's videos then you should probably leave GATE and do something in which you are good at.

How to watch Ravindra Sir's videos?

I watched 13-15 videos a day. Each video is generally of 15-20 mins on average. Alternatively you can calculate it as 170-180 mins of video a single day. I was able to finish the entire course including aptitude and english in just 3.5 months.

The videos contain solved questions in between. So no need to look for alternatives. After completing all the videos for a subject, just solve the practice questions provided. They are just awesome. Solve the practice questions in a weekly gap. Each week 20-40 questions from the subject. During this time don't stop watching the videos of another subject. Repeat this procedure till all subjects are finished.

After all the subjects are finished, just reverse the order of completion to get the order of revision of subjects. It is because you should have a strong hold on the current subject and then move back to the earlier learnt subjects.

During revision, read the notes properly and then start solving previous years gate questions on that subject. For example if you have complete DAA, then you should finish reading your notes first, then solve 5 questions from each subsection of DAA like DP, Greedy, Time Complexity analysis and so on. You can take 4-5 days to solve these questions. Then move to the next subject.

Before 3 months of exams start solving all the gate questions again. In the end all the concepts will be crystal clear in your mind. You will feel confident a lot.

Are Ravindra Sir's videos worth taking at such higher price?

Yes obviously. In the end you will realise that 30k is nothing against what Ravindra Sir's videos would be providing you with.

Lastly, no need to trust me. Just select a concept, read any standard textbook of your choice, and finally attempt previous years gate questions. Then just go and watch Ravindra Sir's free videos in youtube and again attempt the same previous years gate questions. You will get the answer to your question.

"GururBrahma GururVishnu GururDevo Maheshwaraha
Guru Saakshaat ParaBrahma Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha"


Guru is the Creator (Brahma), Guru is the Preserver(Vishnu), GuruDeva is Destroyer(Maheshwara)
Guru is the absolute (singular) Lord himself, Salutations to that Sri Guru


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