Sunday 12 December 2021

IIT Delhi Mtech Computer Science 2022 Placement Stats

 MCS-20 Placement Stats:

Shivansh Juyal - Microsoft
Deepak Kunwar - Microsoft
Anant Gulgulia - Microsoft
Saurabh Inge - Amazon
Aadish - Oracle
Ajay soni - Qualcomm
Kashi Roy - Razorpay
Aayush Singh - Rakuten
Sanjeev - SRI Bangalore
Akshay - Hasura
Akash Kumar - SRI Delhi
Satyam Jay - Pepperfry
Chetan mali - Intel
Vijay Bhardwaj - Mathworks
Ayush Gupta - Mathworks
Maya - Micron
Ashish - Tinkerly (Elation Edtech Pvt. Ltd.)
Anu - Mavenir
Purushottam - Secpod Technology
Surendra - HDFC
Average CTC - 27.54

Friday 11 December 2020


Vikas - Alphonso

Komal - Goldman Sachs

Het, Pratik (Placement Coordinator), Kartik, Naman, Ankita - Microsoft

Saswat, Vaibhav, Disha - Oracle

Sagar, Aditya - OnePlus

Chinmay -

Om Prakash - TSMC Machine Learning Engineer Taiwan

Vivek - Amazon

Meraj - Nvidia

Akshay - Chalo

Priyadarshi - Urbanclap

Anant Jain - Times internet

Avg CTC - 32 lpa

Highest CTC - 45 lpa

Lowest CTC - 18 lpa

Saturday 23 May 2020

Interview Preparation guide, Must Do ThingS and Questions Before Coding Interviews and Tests




This book is in C++ but can be used by Java and other language programmers too. Awesome book !!! I myself am a Java programmer and used this to help myself during placements.



1. Disjoint Sets
In the above shared book, Page No. 146.

2. Fenwick Tree (Binary Indexed Tree)

3. Mo's Algorithm / Sqrt Decomposition

3. Map Usage
This will come through practice, I will share below some questions for that.

4. Merge Sort (Divide and Conquer Approach) & Quick Sort (Selection Algorithm)

5. Binary Search

6. BFS/ DFS (0-1 BFS, See a related question below)

7. Priority Queues

8. Nim Game Theory
In the above shared book, Page No. 235.


1. Common Sense

2. String Manipulation

3. Mathematics

4. Advanced GCD
Medium -

5. Number Theory, Sieve of Eratosthenes, Segmented Sieve
Medium -
Medium -
Medium -

6. Priority Queue
Medium -

7. Ordered Map
Hard -

8. Ordered Map & Priority Queue
Hard -

9. Arrays, Kadanes Algorithm
Medium -
Medium -
Medium -
Hard -

10. Power Set, Subsets, Permutations
Medium -
Medium -

11. Graph, BFS
Medium -
Hard - (0-1 BFS Concept, Very Useful, Djikstra will give TLE on such problems)

12. Graph, DFS
Medium -

13. Graph, Connected Components
Hard -

14. Greedy
Hard -

15. Greedy, DP
Medium -

16. Recursion, Memoization
Medium -
Hard -
Hard -

17. Map, Tries, Backtracking
Hard -
(Try to do this question using map + backtracking instead of tries + backtracking)

18. Map
Medium -
Medium -

19. 2 Pointer Approach
Medium -
Hard -

20. Map, 2 Pointer Approach
Medium -
Hard -

21. Stack
Medium -
Medium -

22. Divide and Conque, Usage of Merge Routine
Medium -

23. Selection Algorithm, Quick Sort, Priority Queue
Medium -
(Do it in O(n) using selection algorithm, using priority queue it would be O(nlogk) )

24. Activity Selection
Medium -

25. Dealing with Ranges and Intervals
Hard -

26. Trees, Vertical Traversal, Lowest Common Ancestor
Medium -
Medium -
Hard -

27. Topological Sort + Cycle Detection
Medium -

28. DP
Medium -
Medium -
Hard -
Hard -
Hard -
Hard -

29. DP and DFS
Hard -

30. Disjoint Sets
Medium -
Medium -
(Do the above problems with disjoint sets, although you can do it using graphs + dfs traversal)

31. Binary Search
Medium -
Medium -

32. Binary Search + Greedy
Hard -

33. DP + Binary Search
Hard -
(Do the optimal one using DP + binary search O(nlogn) instead of DP solution O(n^2))

34. DP + Bit Masking
Hard -
(Alternatively you can do it using recursion but it would be too hard, so learn dp + bit masking)

35. Prefix sum, 2D DP
Medium -

37. Double array usage, DP
Hard -

38. Bit Manipulation
Hard -

39. Double ended queue, Sliding Window
Hard -

40. Linked List, Cycle Detection
Medium -
Medium -
Hard -

41, Tries, DP, Queries
Hard -

42. Fenwick tree
Hard -
Hard -

43. Range Query, Sqrt Decomposition, Segment Tree, Fenwick Tree
Medium -
Hard -

44. Minimum Spanning Tree, Krushkal
Medium -

45. Djikstra
Medium -
Medium -

46. Game Theory
Medium -

47. Recursion
Hard -
(Very Important and frequently asked question)


1. Always look at the given input constraints first. If they are in a small or narrow range, try to exploit it !!!

2. During campus placements, go for problems similar to the ones you have done earlier or have experience of doing. Try new problems only if you have time left in the end.

3. Don't bring your ego during the test. Say you have done 100 DP problems and the DP question is not getting solved during the test, better skip it and try other questions.

4. In case you are not confident with DP, go for recursion. You will pass 70% test cases. Then try recursion + memoization to get full points.

5. Use shortest way out, i.e. use of Maps instead of building Tries, Fenwick tree instead of Segment tree, Disjoint Sets instead of building Graph, etc.

6. Solve the questions properly after the test. Questions repeat a lot !!! Around 3 to 4 times !!!

7. Try out every platform so that you don't have platform issues. Common test platforms are Hackerrank, Hackerearth, InterviewBit, Codechef, Mettl.



Friday 27 March 2020


These are the things i am planning to learn before i die.
  1. Shiv Tandav Stotram (Done)
  2. Sri Hari Stotram (Done)
  3. Bitcoin Mining (Done)
  4. Bike Driving ( Done)
  5. Car Driving (Done)
  6. Kite Flying (Done)
  7. Write with both hands (Done)
  8. Stock Markets & Trading (Done)
  9. Develop a Game for Windows (Done)
  10. Astrology (Done)
  11. Numerology (Done)
  12. Palm Reading (Done)
  13. Face Reading (Done) 
  14. Body Language Reading/Non verbals/ Mind Reading (Done)
  15. Self Defence Techniques
  16. Tarot cards reading
  17. Tantra Vidya & Black Magic
  18. Accupuncture
  19. Machine Learning (Done)
  20. Cloud Technology (Done)
  21. Swimming
  22. Music, Guitar, Piano, Singing, Drums and other instruments 
  23. Painitng (Done)
  24. Dance
  25. Photography & Videography, youtuber (Done)
  26. Web Designing (Done)
  27. Read 4 Vedas
  28. Read Bhagwad Geeta, Ramayana, Mahabharat (Done)
  29. Cooking (Done)
  30. Badminton (Done)
  31. Carrom (Done)
  32. Chess (Done)
  33. Pool Table (Done)
  34. Medicines and MBBS
  35. Computer Hardware (Done)
  36. Computer Formatting (Done)
  37. Skating
  38. Rubriks Cube Solve (Done)
  39. Meditation (Done)
  40. Yoga
  41. Hypnotism
  42. Tree Climbing
  43. Chi Energy
  44. Sanskrit (Done)
  45. French
  46. Spanish
  47. Germany
  48. Tamil
  49. Telugu
  50. Bengali
  51. Marathi

More i will add when i plan a new thing to learn...

Sunday 15 March 2020

IIT Delhi Mtech Interview Questions

Hey guys !!! As per demand here are the past 2 years asked questions during the M.Tech Interviews. Special thanks to all my batchmates and juniors who helped me by remembering and sharing the questions.

1. What is 2NF? Identify & Perform 2NF on a given relation.

2. What is CSMA/CA ? Proactive and Reactive Routers? Backoff Algorithm?

3. What is AVL tree? Why is it used? Apllications.

4. Given a set of n nuts of different sizes and n bolts of different sizes. There is a one-one mapping 
between nuts and bolts. Match nuts and bolts efficiently.

5. What are forks? How are they related to system calls? What are interrupts? How are they used?

6. Given a recursion solve for it's time complexity analysis without using master's theorem. Prove that the derived recurrence is correct.

7. Write a recursive equation to compute power of 2? Can you optimise it?

8. What is heap? Where it is used?

9. What is NP hard?

10. What is difference between conjunctions of disjunctions and disjunctions of conjunctions?

11. What is push down automaton? Mention any real world application of turing machines?

12. Birthday Paradox. How many people must be there in a room to make the probability 100% that at-least two people in the room have same birthday?

13. Number of states of NFA for string of a given length.

14. Given a graph , each edge has a number which is the max height of a truck that can pass from that edge , now we need to find a path from given source and destination such that maximum height truck can go.

15. Suppose we are at intersection of 4 roads and these roads are infinite, there is some treasure in one of those 4 now we need to find that treasure. can you find its complexity, if the treasure is at k distance from centre?

16. Difference between bigO and smallO?

17. KMP/Rabin Karp Matching?

18. Bit Representation of a Number in some given radix.

19. How can you find median of unsorted numbers efficiently? Median of Medians?

20. When to use quicksort over mergesort? Time Complexity of quicksort? Prove it. Can you find the kth largest element in an array using the approach taken by quicksort?

21. Prove that tree is an acyclic graph.

22. Can binary search be applied on linked list? If yes how? Corner case of low+high/2 overflow.

23. Propositional logic symbolic write. Atleast 1 apple, Only 1 apple,..etc.

24. Prove that leaf node has degree 1.

25. Definition of Average time complexity? Given a for loop on board, derive the avg time complexity using probabilities.

26. Draw graph of log function.

27. Write code for insertion sort.

28. How to find the longest path of a given graph?

29. can you make a program to find if the number is prime? Why you write i*i? Can you prove it that we need to go only till root(n) elements?

30. A rectangular grid was drawn and I have to find the number of paths from one corner to another?
31. Give the mathematical proof for If a number is divisible by 3 then the sum of digits must me divisible by 3 ?

32. A processor (which can have infinite number of cores) and then told about a program where the sequential part is 20 percent and rest is parallel. Find the minimum number of cores required to achieve 10 times speed up?

33. Write a program to find product of leaves of a binary tree using recursion.

34. you have an array in which initially elements are in increasing order and after that elements are in decreasing order. find the point where change occured.

35. How will u check whether the tree is a BST ?

36. Difference between binary search and ternary search ? which is bigger logn with base 2 or logn with base 3? Then why we prefer binary search over ternary search ? write recurrence relation for binary search and ternary search? Now find the complexity using those recurrence relation.

37. Questions related to probabilities and linear algebra.

38. Kruskals Algorithm. Correctness of Greedy Algo using exchange argument

39. Find bugs in given code.

40. What do you mean by Query Optimization? Mention some techniques used to do the same.

41. Which is better row major order or column major order? Can you write the code to initialize a single dimensional array with 0. Explain how row major and column major ordering works.In a 2D array how row major and column major work? What is locality of reference?

42. Say you have a mobile and you want to execute 10 processes in that mobile. Describe how this whole thing gonna happen inside.
Answer they were expecting was detailed low level explaination of multiprocessing. Based on the answer they asked other questions like types of interrupt, where do interrupts are stored,what is interrupt service routine, how interrupt service routine address is resolved. And some questions on scheduling.

43. Say u have a function f which takes a real number as input and outputs a real number. Given f is monotonic find real number x where the output of f is zero. Approach and write code for it.

44. Which is the best CPU scheduling strategy?
Considering the waiting time parameter, which one is best? Why?(the intuition behind why it's better than others)

45. What is a semaphore?(Does the definition of a semaphore involve a cyclic argument?) How can it be implemented?(just in software? Or requires support from hardware?

46. Write a Program to find the log of a number and to find the n-th smallest number in an unsorted array. Give Proof of correctness of both the program.

47. Given a graph G, find a recurrence relation that describes the number of possible walks starting at point A. SImilar to this

48. Whats bipartite, how to check given graph is bipartite or not, algorithm for it. Proof that your algortihm is correct.

I have asked many other friends and juniors. Will be adding more when i get more responses !!!

Tuesday 25 February 2020

IIT Delhi Placement Procedure / IIT Placement scenario

Normally in all IIT's the procedure is same. First of all we need register in our training and placement portal if we intend to sit for placements. Then we are asked to make our resume in the portal. Then a resume verification step is done by the authorities to check that there is nothing fake in your resume. In case if you are found guilty then you might be debarred from placements. Once this step is done, normally from September Mid companies start coming to the campus for their coding rounds. The coding rounds are held from September Mid to November 30th. No tests are carried out during class timings, IIT's are too much strict about academics. All tests are held after classes, i.e. 6pm onwards and on holidays. There is a secret group in facebook, inter iit/nit/iiit, all past years questions are there in that group. Just solve all of them that's it. Questions will be getting repeated for sure. 90% take their test on hackerrank platform, some on hackerearth, amazon and microsoft have shifted to mettl platform, samsung has it's own platform, google on cocubes, directi on interviewbit.

If your coding round goes well then you are shortlisted for the Interviews. The shortlist results generally comes out after November 15th. The Interviews are scheduled from December 1st to 15th. December 1st is the famous so called Day 1, then comes Day 2 and so on. Each Day has 2 slots. Slot 1 and Slot 2. Slot 1 is from 8am to 2pm. Results come out at around 3pm. Slot 2 is from 4pm to 10pm. Results come out at around 11pm. There are some policies and rules if a company doesn't make a choice within the given time span. In that case the students gets choice to select between multiple offers on the next slot. Once a offer is made, regardless of either you accept or reject you are out of the placement procedure. So the TNP guarantees an offer but not a placement !!!

Each company gets around 1-2 hours per candidate to do the interviews. So it's a very hectic procedure for the students. Really stressed out things happen in the mean while. Running from here to there. It becomes a complete fish market where you are the fish !!! People have come to buy you at the best. All the CS students get placed within the first 4-5 days. If any students still remains unoffered after December 15 then a second round of placement activities start from January mid to January end. The companies in each slot are decided by the TNP members, faculties and students. Lot of factors like compensation offered, student preference, past relationship with IIT and other IIT's are taken care of and then slots are alloted based on these parameter. You have to set your preferences before the start of the slot. If you forget then system will randomly set your preference and you have to abide by that.

Lastly it's really easier to get placed here at IIT. Just few hours of Interviews and you are done. Getting a job offcampus is really difficult and time taking. So if you ever get a chance then just go for it guys !!! Good Luck !!!

Tuesday 18 February 2020

Interview Experience Day 1 Slot 1 IIT Delhi Placements

I was shortlisted for Sprinklr and Intel.

Sprinklr Interview Experience:-
The HR guy seemed to be in a hurry. He asked me find median of 2 sorted arrays. So i did it in the most optimal way. But he got confused and messed me up !!! He wanted me to come up with naive approach.
Advise :- Don't go to optimal directly even if you know. The HR people are really dubass without any indepth knowledge.

Then he asked me how to find median of unsorted array. I said about the median of median algorithm which gives O(n) optimal complexity. Again he was furious at me. He said you should say that you with sort and return me the answer, O(nlogn) time. I was really annoyed. He then said we would let you know and went with his phone.

I really didn't like the interview process at all. Very poor !!!

Intel Interview Experience:-

They offered me 22lpa , but profile was of hardware. So i took a minute, convinced myself and rejected the offer. At this point of time i knew that i was moving to slot 2 as i wasn't shortlisted for any other companies.

Now i came out, looked at the sky. Said to god, "Anything for me dear lord?"...

Believe it or not, at the next very moment one of my friends called me and said, what the hell are you doing here. You are shortlisted in Wells Fargo. Go fast!!! they are looking for you.

Well Fargo Interview Experience:-

I waited there for almost 1 hour before the first round begun. They gave a technical case study type question. I gave a greedy approach and luckily that was the right answer too. Then he asked me system design questions and all. I answered all of them. i was liking this HR guy. he was humble, polite and nice. In the end he said, " i genuinely like talking to you, you are awesome". Then even though they had already hired the required number of people, he opened the doors for me. He talked with other higher authorities and made sure i got interviewed with further rounds. It took me 1.5 hours to wait there. In the mean while a lady HR accompanied me and we had chat about the process, family and all. Then my behavioural round was scheduled. They asked qns about project, strengths, weaknesses and all. I was quite fluent in english, so that helped. They wanted a good communicating guy afterall as the base office quarters extends to USA. Next i was scheduled with another round of technical interview, where he asked me OS related questions, like synchronisation, monitors, locks and all. I knew about those in depth from IIT-D professors. So i cleared that round like a charm. Then last round was just for formality. Finally they gave me the offer and a awesome headset too. I was really fascinated and over joyed. I liked the interview process. Nice people !!! My friend Gaurav said they had selected you from round 2 itself. Round 3 was just for formality sake !!! They took pictures and then gaurav and me returned with smiles on our face.

Advise:- Be honest !!! Don't fake put things. 

Monday 23 December 2019

Strategies for GATE CS during the last 30-40 days

There are many strategies that you can follow, i would share some of the top ones that the toppers used:-

1. Write around 40-50 mock tests. This strategy worked for many toppers. This strategy is also efficient for people having lesser time like working people.

2. Revise and Just Revise, around 10-15 times. This strategy although not recommended actually helped some of the toppers. They hardly wrote just 1 or 2 tests in which also they scored poor. But in real Gate they just boomed. If you think you forget things quite often then this strategy would actually help.

3. Mix the above 2 strategies. Revise around 3-4 times and write around 30-40 full length tests. This was my strategy too and most toppers follow this.

4. Solve all the previous Gate questions 5-6 times. This strategy is like a jackpot in hand. The shortcut strategy to be in top 1000. But being in top 200 depends on your understanding throughout the process.

Choose among these 4 strategies and see which one works best for you, Good luck !!!

Monday 9 December 2019 CS Placement stats IIT Delhi 2020

MCS 18 Batch Placement Stats :-

PPO - IBM - Prashant Kumar (Also offcampus offer from Google)

Microsoft (Software Engineer)  - Namrata(Also shorlisted for Microsoft Redmond US)
Wells fargo - Gaurav, Ruturaj (Placement Coordinator)(Also offcampus offer from Google)
Sprinklr (Software Engineer) - Sourabh Godse
Qualcomm (Senior Software Engineer) - Aditya Mishra 

Oneplus (Software Developer) - Phaneesh(Also oncampus offer from SAP Labs)
MTX (Machine Learning Engineer/Data Scientist) - Pushkar
Adobe (Software Engineer) - Garima

Samsung Research India Banglore (Senior Software Engineer) - Suraj
Samsung semi-conductor Banglore (Senior Software Engineer) - Rekha
Oracle (Software Developer) - Mayank

Dreams 11 (Software Developer) - Jashbir, Chirag(Also offcampus offer from TCS innovation labs)
Samsung Noida (Software Engineer)- Aditya Kumar, Prayas
Amazon (Software Developer)- Prateek(Also oncampus offer from Oracle)

Denso Japan (Data Scientist/Deep Learning Engineer) - Konark(Also oncampus offer from Intel, Works Application)

Fanatics (Backend Developer) - Anshu(Also oncampus offer from HiLabs)

MCS: avg ctc - 29.58 lpa
Lowest package - 22lpa(CTC), 18lpa(base)
Highest Package - 40lpa(CTC), 28lpa(base)

Tuesday 24 September 2019

Machine Learning Best Resources

Machine Learning Interview Questions:-

Understanding RNN and LSTM's:-

Understanding Attention:-

Reinforcement Learning:-


Glue Datasets for Benchmarking:-


CNN Cheat Sheet:-

Popular Blogs to Follow:-

Must Watch Short Videos:-


The above link contains probability cheat sheet which would be helpful for gate and machine learning people. I will update this page as soon as i find good sources like this.


Challenging Problems:-